1970s The Hulton Getty Picture Collection Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

1970s The Hulton Getty Picture Collection

1970s The Hulton Getty Picture Collection
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Koenemann Koln
1998 400
15x16 (cm) ill. b/n - b/w ills
bross. ill. colori - paperback illustrated usato come nuovo - used like new
Inglese/Francese/Tedesco - English/French/German text   800 (gr)
3829005245 9783829005241
14.90 € 30%
10.43 €

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(Decades of the 20th Century).

Terrorism and violence from Beirut to Belfast, from Cyprus to Soweto, from Munich to Mogadishu. The Ayatollah Khomeini, Tricky Dicky Nixon, General Amin Dada, Pol Pot, - young Michael Jackson and ageing Elvis - explosively revealed by the Camera's silent witness.

Terrorismus und Gewalt von Beirut bis Belfast, von Zypern bis Soweto, von München bis Mogadischu. Ayatollah Khomeini, Tricky Dicky Nixon, General Amin Dada, Pol Pot - der junge Michael Jackson und der alternde Elvis - sensationell enthüllt von stummen Zeugen Kamera.

Terrorisme et violence de Beyrouth à Belfast, de Chypre à Soweto, de Munich à Mogadiscio. L'ayatollah Khomeini, Tricky Dicky Nixon, le général Amin Dada, Pol Pot - Michael Jackson adolescent et Elvis vieillissant - révélés de manière explosive par le témoignage silencieux de la photographie.

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Nessuna. (T-CA)


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