Worship Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo


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Nisbet & co Ltd London
1936 XXII-350
15x23 (cm) non illustrato - not illustrated
Pelle ed. sovracc. - hardcover usato buone condizioni - used good
Inglese - English text   800 (gr)
N/D - N/A N/D - N/A
35.00 € 60%
14.00 €

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(The Library of constructive Theology Editors The Very Rev. W.R. MATTHEWS,K.C.V.O., D.D., The Rev. H. WHEELER ROBINSON, M.A., D.D.).

In this book, Worship is regarded as the response of It this book, Worship is regarded as the response of man the creature to God the Creator; and Christian worship in particular as the total sacrifice of praise, both corporate and individual, offered by the whole Church through Christ her head. Therefore the emphasis lies chiefly on the objective character and Godward orientation of worship and only secondarily on its subiective aspect.
In Part I the nature of worship is first discussed; and then its expression in cultus, and use of symbolic methods, ritual, sacraments and sacrifice. The special characters of Christian worship and its theological basis are next studied, its corporate expression and chief liturgical forms. Iwo chapters are devoted to the structure and significance of the Eucharist as the central act of the Christian cultus; and one to the personal life of worship and prayer.
Part II opens with studies of Jewish and Early Christian worship. These are followed by chapters describing Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Evangelical, Free Church and Quaker worship, and the particular contribution which is made by each of these to the total worshipping life of the Universal Church.

Note alle condizioni del volume

usato ottime condizioni, segni del tempo, strappetti e velature di polvere alla sovraccoperta, bruniture alle pagine. (T-CA)



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