Libreria della Spada - Yinka Shonibare Double Dress - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Yinka Shonibare Double Dress

Yinka Shonibare Double Dress
click to enlarge
The Israel Museum Jerusalem
2002 72
22x27 (cm) ill. colori n.t. - colour ills.
bross. ill. colori - paperback illustrated Usato come nuovo - used like new
Inglese - English Text   800 (gr)
9652783013 9789652783011

not available

Jerusalem, Israel Museum, May - November 2002.

Photography: Jean Vong, Stephen White, Ahlburg Keate.

This catalogue accompaines the exhibition at the Israel Museum and it represent the first major mid-carrer survey exhibition of the work of Yinka Shonibare. (T-CA).


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