Esposizione mondiale galleggiante Libreria della Spada - La pittura a Firenze nel Duecento Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Esposizione mondiale galleggiante Exhibition for Sale Catalogue Ukiyo-re Color Prints including These published in Osaka

Esposizione mondiale galleggiante Exhibition for Sale Catalogue Ukiyo-re Color Prints including These published in Osaka
available # 1
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Narao Shoten ElM > Co. - Supported by Osaka Ukiyo-e Association Osaka
1981 32
19x26 (cm) ill. b/n n.t. - b/w ills.
bross. ill. - paperback usato buone condizioni - used good
Giapponese - Japaneese text   300 (gr)
8885348017 9788885348011
20.00 €

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1. The pamphlet added to this catalogue is an abridged list of plates in it. The item Nos. in the pamphlet coincide with the plate Nos. in the catalogue.
2. Every print is in the standard size unless otherwise stated. Detailed description will be sent on request.
3. The price is net in Japanese Yen and postage extra. The current exchange rate is about ¥230. per Dollar.
4. Please order to the either of the followings: NAKAO SHOTEN 1 Shinsaibashi-suji 1-chome Minami-ku, Osaka, 542 Japan EIM & CO.:Booksellers 12-8 Taishibashi 1-chome Asahi-ku Osaka, 535 Japan
5. Collections or single items purchased. Please consult with us if you would sell any of your collection.

Note alle condizioni del volume

Usato ottime condizioni, bruniture del tempo e velature di polvere. (T-CA)


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