For every child hope UNICEF@70 1946 -2016 Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

For every child hope UNICEF@70 1946 -2016

For every child hope UNICEF@70 1946 -2016
available # 1
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2016 104
22x22 (cm) ill. a colori e b/n n.t. - colors and b/w ills
bross. ill. a colori - paperback Nuovo - New
Inglese - English text   500 (gr)
928064856X 9789280648560
10.00 €

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Introduction: The UNICEF story
1. Humanitarian action for children at risk
2. A revolution in child survival and health
3. The achievable imperative of nutrition
4. Towards universal access to water, sanitation and hygiene
5. A transformative approach to quality education for all
6. Prevention, treatment and advocacy for children affected by HIV and AIDS
7. Protecting children from violence, exploitation and abuse
8. Social inclusion and rights for every child
9. Partnerships bring progress
Afterword: Looking ahead

Note alle condizioni del volume

Nessuna. (T-CA)


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