Libreria della Spada - H.C. Westermann exhibition catalogue and catalogue raisonnè of objects - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

H.C. Westermann exhibition catalogue and catalogue raisonnè of objects

H.C. Westermann exhibition catalogue and catalogue raisonnè of objects
click to enlarge
Harry N. Abrams New York
2001 400
22x29 (cm) ill. a colori e b/n n.t. - colour and b/w ills
cart. edit. sovracc. ill. - hardcover with dust jacket Usato buone condizioni- Used Good
Inglese - English Text   3100 (gr)
0810945657 9780810945654

not available

This is a catalogue raisonne of the works of sculptor H. C. Westermann. It comprises the entire catalogue to a new exhibition (also being published by Abrams), as well as a catalogue raisonne on every one of the objects (as opposed to works on paper) Westermann produced. The work of H. C. Westermann (1922-1981) encompasses defining issues central to the twentieth century. His works, such as The Death Ship sculptures often address wartime service, and share themes such as anxiety in the nuclear age and the artist as an outcast and an outsider.


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L.d.S. - Libreria della Spada Online di Bazzani Gabriele
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