Jewelry & Goldsmith
The jewels are ornaments that are worn by people. The jewels are usually made of precious metals like gold, are often enriched with gemstones and various inserts (ivory, coral, precious stones ...). In this category also includes costume jewelery that although it is made
of cheaper materials have very similar results from the aesthetic point of view. In this section you will find books on various jewelry designers, on the various manufacturers and the most famous collections.
Orfèvrerie française
Author(s) | Véronique Alemany-Dessaint | Editor | Les Editions de L'Illustration Baschet & Cie |
Mediaeval European Jewellery With a Catalogue of the Collection in the Victoria & Albert Museum
Author(s) | Ronald W. Lightbrown | Editor | Victoria & Albert Museum |
L'Oreficeria a Napoli nel XV secolo
Author(s) | Elio Catello, Corrado Catello | Editor | Banco di napoli - Di Mauro Editore |
I gioielli dei Medici dal vero e in ritratto [DIFETTATO]
Author(s) | a cura di Maria Sframeli | Editor | Sillabe |
Gioie di Genova e Liguria Oreficeria e moda tra Quattro e Ottocento
Author(s) | A cura di Franco Boggero | Editor | Sagep |
Louis C. Tiffany The Garden Museum Collection
Author(s) | Alastair Duncan | Editor | Antique Collectors' Club |
Gijs Bakker and Jewelry Catalogue of Jewelry
Author(s) | Yvonne Joris, Ida van Zijl | Editor | Arnoldsche Art Publisher |
Nel segno dei Medici Tesori sacri della devozione granducale
Author(s) | a cura di Monica Bietti, Riccardo Gennaioli, Elisabetta Nardinocchi | Editor | Sillabe |
Oreficeria sacra in Veneto Secoli VI-XV
Author(s) | a cura di Anna Maria Spiazzi | Editor | Biblos Edizioni |
Gioielli Vertiginosi Ada Minola e le avanguardie artistiche a Torino nel secondo dopoguerra
Author(s) | Paola Stroppiana | Editor | Silvana Editoriale |
Eternal Platinum 7 designers, 7 stilisti, 7 orafi italiani intrpretano le fedi in platino
Author(s) | a cura di Alba Cappellieri | Editor | Skira |
Vanitas Mundi Gioielli, oggetti, arredi e dipinti Una danza macabra fra ironia, glamour, gotico e kitsch
Author(s) | Giovanni Raspini | Editor | Edifir |
Zeitgeist A Century of Idar-Oberstein Costume Jewellery 100 Jahre Modeschmuck aus Idar-Oberstein
Author(s) | Anne-Barbara Knerr | Editor | Arnoldsche |