Libreria della Spada - Magical and Medical Papyri of the New Kingdom - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Magical and Medical Papyri of the New Kingdom Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum Vol.7

Magical and Medical Papyri of the New Kingdom Hieratic Papyri in the British Museum Vol.7
click to enlarge
British Museum Press Inghilterra
2000 224
26X32 (cm) 52 tavv. n,.t.
Cart. ed.
  1900 (gr)
071411930X 9780714119304

not available

Testo in Inglese.
This is the seventh volume in the British Museum Catalogue of Hieratic Papyri from the New Kingdom period. Includes five separate manuscripts consisting of: 
-  incantations against serpents
- the Harris Magical Papyrus 
- the London Magical Papyrus 
- conjuration's of snakebite and incantations 
- a fragmentary medical text. 

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