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Modern Art 20th and 21th Century

Modern Art  20th and 21th Century
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The art of the twentieth and twenty-first century is undoubtedly marked by numerous succession of artistic movements due to the many historical events worldwide, including the two wars, which take place in the twentieth century.
From Art Nouveau movement in France, in Italy they call Liberty, will be called Secession in Austria, one of the  main artists of this current will be Klimt,  you go to Fauvism, always in France, where the color is the protagonist, with artists such as Matisse, Braque, Marquet, Derain and Dufy, and then move through Cubism, was epitomized by Picasso. Through its fragmentation and reassembly of the reality on the canvas in a new order arrives to German Expressionism of Eduard Munch, and Austrian One of Egon Schiele, in which art is meant to show the inner world of feelings. Meanwhile in Italy Giorgio de Chirico and Carlo Carrà create the current of Metaphysical painting, whose purpose is to represent objects outside of the context in which they are normally.  Then Born in Switzerland the Dada movement and later the Surrealism one with the works of Magritte and Tanguy, creating a fusion between reality and dream. 
After the Second World War in the artists, as in the rest of the population, there is a desire to change, to express themselves differently, to question everything that is accepted by the masses, Thus were born various artistic trends such as the Informal Art, Pop Art, Conceptual Art, up to the present day.
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Alessandro Gioli Segni disegnati

Alessandro Gioli   Alinea Editrice  
11.49 € 15%
9.77 €

Il Movimento Dada

Michel Sanouillet   Fratelli Fabbri  
24.00 € 65%
8.40 €

La Pittura americana del dopoguerra

Sam Hunter   Fratelli Fabbri  
24.00 € 65%
8.40 €

Impero Nigiani 'Una palingenesi estetica'

Janus   Edizioni Ghirlandina  
12.00 € 60%
4.80 €

Luciano Pasquini La natura come fonte di poesia

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Luciano Pasquini La natura come fonte di poesia

a cura di Giovanni Faccenda, Fabio Migliorati   Comune di Numana  

Guttuso Opere dal 1931 al 1981

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Guttuso Opere dal 1931 al 1981

Cesare Brandi, Maurizio Calvesi, Attilio Codognato   Sansoni Editore  

Roy Lichtenstein 1970-1980

a cura di Jack Cowart   Electa Firenze  
23.24 € 35%
15.11 €

Filippo Cianfanelli

Pier Francesco Listri   Edizioni Pegaso  
10.00 € 20%
8.00 €

Robert Malaval

Jean François Bizot, Vincent Pécoil, Marc Sanchez   Paris Musées  
44.00 € 10%
39.60 €

OASI Giovanni Fattori la villa e l’arte contemporanea

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OASI Giovanni Fattori la villa e l’arte contemporanea

a cura di Paola Cassinelli, Marco Giori   Pacini Editore  

Impressionisti e postimpressionisti dai musei sovietici II

AA.VV.   Electa - Collezione Thyssen Bornemisza  
23.24 € 50%
11.62 €


Giuseppe Marchiori   Edizioni Centro Proposte  
25.00 € 55%
11.25 €

Cézanne Monet Renoir Gauguin Van Gogh Matisse Picasso 42 capolavori dai musei sovietici

a cura di albert Kostenevic, Evgenija Georgevskaje, Marina Bessonova, Claudia Terenzi   Electa  
24.27 € 50%
12.14 €

Il mondo di Guido Spadolini Dipinti, acqueforti, fotografie dal 1909 al 1942

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Il mondo di Guido Spadolini Dipinti, acqueforti, fotografie dal 1909 al 1942

Carlo Sisi, Maria Donata Spadolini   Comune di Rosignano Marittimo, Centro per l'arte Diego Martelli  

Belvedere 12 L'arte del Novecento [AUTOGRAFATO]

Piero Bargellini   Vallecchi Editore  
50.00 € 25%
37.50 €

Maestri italiani del novecento

Liana Bortolon   Arnoldo Mondadori Editore  
22.00 € 65%
7.70 €

Capolavori dell'Espressionismo Tedesco Dipinti 1905 - 1920

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Capolavori dell'Espressionismo Tedesco Dipinti 1905 - 1920

a cura di Erich Steingraber   Electa  

Scuola Romana Artisti tra le due guerre

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Scuola Romana Artisti tra le due guerre

a cura di Maurizio Fagiolo Dell'Arco   Mazzotta  

Alberto Sughi

»» not available

Alberto Sughi

Arturo Carlo Quintavalle   Skira  

Moreno Gentili Nuovo mondo mondo nuovo Metamorfosi delle tecnologie [Con CD-ROM]

Christian Caujolle, Roberta Valtorta   Edizioni Charta  
28.41 € 55%
12.78 €

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