Modern Sculpture
In ancient sculpture materials were mainly used on marble, wood, clay and bronze, the advent of modern sculpture on the side with these materials we can find many others. Plastiline, plastic, glass, cardboard, scrap metal, rubber, resin, ice are just some of the materials used
for the construction of the modern works of art.
Among the major artists of sculptures since 1800 should be mentioned Arturo Martini, Calder, Mitoraj, Marino Marini, Modigliani.
Centro di documentazione dell'opera di Marino Marini
Author(s) | a cura di Giorgio e Guido Guastalla | Editor | Graphis Arte |
Una fontana monumentale di Fulvio Corsini per il monte dei paschi di Siena (1925-1930)
Author(s) | a cura di Flavio Fergonzi | Editor | S.P.E.S. Studio per edizioni scelte |
Looking forward to the past Massimiliano Pelletti
Author(s) | a cura di Alessandro Romanini | Editor | Pacini Editore |