Pardubice Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo


available # 1
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Helios - Jiri Razskazov Pardubice
2001 160
25x33 (cm) ill. colori n.t. - colors ills
cart. edit. ill. colori - Hardcover Nuovo - New
Ceco/Inglese - Czech/English text   1500 (gr)
8085211106 9788085211108
30.00 € 50%
15.00 €

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Photos by Stépán Bartos

Text by Frantisek Sebek

Obsah / contents

Stare mesto / old town
Zamek / chateau
Námèstí republiky / republic square
Trida miru / peace avenue
Na hranicích stredu mèsta / on the boundary of the town centre
Nové mésto kolem zeleznice / the new town around the railway line
Pardubice na pravem brehu labe / pardubice on the right bank of the elbe river
Na prave brehu chrudimky / on the right of the chrudimka river

Note alle condizioni del volume

Nessuna. (T-CA)


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