The photography was born in 1800 and since then has evolved considerably, so much so that now in our time has become a true expression of art. From early daguerreotypes, we went to the reflex system and finally reaches the advent of the first Polaroid black and white and
then color, up to age of digital photography.
This category contains texts of famous photographers who have made the history of this artistic technique as Alvarez Bravo, Man Ray, Bonnard, etc.. up to more modern authors such as Araki, Argentini, Newton, Gardin, Geddes, Salgado, etc. Doisneau. famous for their work published in journals of prestige.
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Le Photographe Dans le Train Fotografie / Photographies Treno
Author(s) | Yves Bonnefoy, Lucio Trizzino | Editor | Polistampa |
Fotografi a Roma Commissione Roma 2003-2017 e le acquisizioni al patrimonio fotografico di Roma Capitale
Author(s) | a cura di Marco Delogu, Federica Pirani | Editor | Gli Ori |
Africa 30 anni di grandi reportage
Author(s) | Angela Fischer e Carol Beckwith | Editor | National Geographic / White Star |
Come Eravamo Un popolo di emigranti 1889-1898
Author(s) | Guido Gerosa | Editor | Mondadori,Fabbri, Alinari |
Lago Maggiore
Author(s) | Piero Chiara, Vittorio Sereni | Editor | Edizioni C.M. - Artigerie - Chiarotto Editore |