The History of Glass Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The History of Glass

The History of Glass
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Black Cat London
1992 288
23x31 (cm) 275 ill. a colori e 50 b/n n.t. - colors and b/w ills
cart. edit. con sovracc. ill. colori - Hardcover with dustjacket usato buone condizioni - used good
Inglese - English text   1600 (gr)
0748102469 9780748102464

not available

Ristampa del 1992 (edizione originale del 1984).

General Editors Dan Klein, Ward Lloyd.

Foreword by Robert Charleston.

The global history of glass from its beginnings to the present day. With such an ambitious canvas, the brush-strokes are necessarily broad. Nevertheless, a worthy book, but the same old illustrations of masterpieces.

Segni d'uso alla sovraccoperta, all'interno in perfetto stato. (T-CA)


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