The Nok culture Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The Nok culture art in Nigeria 2.500 years ago

The Nok culture art in Nigeria 2.500 years ago
click to enlarge
Prestel Londra
2007 160
25X33 (cm) ill. a colori n.t.
cart. edit. sovracc. ill.
  1400 (gr)
3791336460 9783791336466

not available

Testo in inglese.

This comprehensive overview of the art of Africa's ancient Nok civilization presents the oldest known figurative sculptures south of the Sahara. In 1928, in central Nigeria, tin miners uncovered clay shards which, when reconstructed, were found to be fragments of terracotta sculptures.

The unique representations of human heads and other figures date from 500 BCE and are attributed to a culture known today as Nok. One hundred authenticated pieces, many shown here for the first time, are collectedin this exciting introduction to an enigmatic culture that is thought to be the oldest known organised civilisation in sub-Saharan Africa. While much about the Nok people remains unknown, their craftsmanship and attention to detail speak volumes about their talents, understanding of beauty, and sophistication. Lavishly illustrated throughout and with essays discussing Nok art, this collection offers an intriguing glimpse into an important chapter in the history of African art.


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