Libreria della Spada - The Silversmiths of Birmingham - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The Silversmiths of Birmingham and their Marks, 1750-1980

The Silversmiths of Birmingham and their Marks, 1750-1980
click to enlarge
Nag Press, Northwood Publication London
1981 416
23X31 (cm) 43 tavv. colori, 300 ill. b/n e centinaia di marchi b/n n.t.
cart. edit. con sovracc. ill. colori Accettabile
Inglese   2000 (gr)
0719800021 9780719800023

not available

Testo in Inglese.
An excellent study of Birmingham silversmiths, with the most comprehensive listing of makers’ marks available for this silversmith centre. The book plots the history of silver production in Birmingham from before the opening of the assay office in 1773, through to the late 20th century, particularly highlighting the influence of Matthew Boulton and Elkington & Co, both of which have lengthy chapters devoted to them.The concluding chapter has a very good and illustrative guide to silversmithing techniques.
Although it has limited reference to spoon making, the book is an excellent read and highly recommended for collectors who want to know more about this major silver producing centre and its’ makers.

Evidenti segni d'uso alla sovraccoperta con alcuni strappetti, segni d'uso agli agoli della copertina, interno in buone condizioni.(T-CA)

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