The Vatican Collections the Papacy and art Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The Vatican Collections The Papacy and Art

The Vatican Collections The Papacy and Art
click to enlarge
Abrams New York
1982 256
22X29 (cm) ill. a colori n.t. edit. sovracc.
  1400 (gr)
0810917106 9780810917101

not available

New York, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, February 26 - June 12, 1983.

Testo in inglese.

Official publication autorized by the Vatican Museums.

Message by Pope John Paul II.
Foreword by Philippe de Montebello, James N. Wood and Ian Mckibbin White. (ME-D)



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