The World Ecyclopedia of Cigars Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The World Ecyclopedia of Cigars

The World Ecyclopedia of Cigars
click to enlarge
Select Editions Londra
1999 256
23X30 (cm) ill. a colori n.t.
bross. ill.
  1300 (gr)
184081179X 9781840811797

not available

Testo in inglese.

A connoisseur's guide to the world of cigars.
A comprehensive directory of the finest cigars, country-by-country.
An illustrated history of the manufacture and development of the premium cigar.
Choosing, storing and smoking cigars for maximum enjoyment.
Superb colour photographs illustrate over 120 brands.
Growing, harvest and fermenting tobacco.
Cigar colours, bands and boxes explored and explained. (CA)


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