Libreria della Spada - The Zulus and Landscapes of South Africa - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The Zulus and Landscapes of South Africa Oil Paintings by American Artist Sheldon Goldstein

The Zulus and Landscapes of South Africa Oil Paintings by American Artist Sheldon Goldstein
available # 1
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N/D - N/A N/D - N/A
1991 32
24x30 (cm) 12 ill. colori n.t. - colour ills.
bross. ill. colori - paperback illustrated Nuovo - New
Inglese - English Text   400 (gr)
N/D - N/A N/D - N/A
16.00 € 15%
13.60 €

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Monte Carlo, Monaco, Hotel de Paris, Place du Casino 28 July - 12 August 1991.

Usato come nuovo (T-CA)


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