tile art history decorative ceramic tiles Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Tile Art a history of decorative ceramic tiles

Tile Art a history of decorative ceramic tiles
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Chartwell Books Seraucus (U.S.A.)
1987 128
22X29 (cm) ill. a colori n.t.
t.tl. edit. sovracc.
  900 (gr)
1555211461 9781555211462

not available

Testo in inglese.

Tile Art is an informative volume that traces the rich tradition of these sumptuous tiles and fully illustrates their varied designs. The author deals lucidly and extensively with various manufacturing and decorating processes, as well as with the most significant designers and potteries in Britain, on the Continent and in the United States.

Dutch Delfware tiles are described in detail, as are Portuguese azulejos, Italian maiolica panels, Scandinavian stove surrounds, British and American Arts and Crafts exemples and French and Ductch Art Nouveau creations. The contributions of artists and designers such as William Morris, Walter Crane, Vanessa Bell and Louis Comfort Tiffany are noted, and the technical advances pioneered by such companies as Mintons, Pilkingtons, Low and Maw are described in relation to the increasing sophistication in tile design during the 19th century. (ME-D)

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