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19th Century Art

19th Century Art
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The 1800 saw the spread of industries across Europe and the United States and with them the desire to expand the search for new markets and raw materials. Even in the art each state wants to promote their culture and history.
It 'so that Romanticism was born in Germany, which is particularly popular and patriotic fight scenes, news and episodes of popular life. In Italy one of the most significant movements formed around 1850 in Florence, where a group of artists formed by Signorini, Fattori, Lega, Borrani and Abbati to be found and discuss at the "Michelangelo's Coffee." Born Macchiaioli painters who, through the technique of "spot", that is the use of color contrasts of color and brushstrokes depict scenes of rural life, work activities and landscapes of the Tuscan countryside. 
Meanwhile in France the movement was born of the Impressionists, also painted scenes of everyday life and landscapes. their characteristic is the painting "en plein air", which prefer open air painting rather than in the studio as they are more interested in the effect of natural light rather than the exact design, to be mentioned among them Monet, Renoir and Gauguin. Towards the end of 1800 always in France was born Symbolism, the painters of this movement made ​​use of bright colors and highly expressive lines for the representation of subjects literary, mythological and religious.
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Edouard Manet

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Edouard Manet

Brenno Reifenberg   Aldo Martello Editore  

Vincent Van Gogh Campagna Senza Tempo - Città moderna

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Vincent Van Gogh Campagna Senza Tempo - Città moderna

a cura di: Cornelia Homburg   Skira  

Il Diavoletto Francesco Bianchi L’immaginifico «pittore a muro» dell’Ottocento lucchese

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Il Diavoletto Francesco Bianchi L’immaginifico «pittore a muro» dell’Ottocento lucchese

Franco Anichini, Bianca Maria Sciré   Maria Pacini Fazzi Editore  

Egisto Sarri 1837-1901

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Egisto Sarri 1837-1901

a cura di Moreno Bucci   Opus Libri  

David Cox 1783-1859 Précurseur des impressionnistes

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David Cox 1783-1859 Précurseur des impressionnistes

Gérald Bauer   Anthèse éditions  

Baltic Light Early Open-Air Painting in Denmark and North Germany

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Baltic Light Early Open-Air Painting in Denmark and North Germany

Catherine Johnston, Helmut R. Leppien, and Kasper Monrad   Yale University Press  

Giuseppe Bertini il grande Maestro dell'Ottocento a Brera

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Giuseppe Bertini il grande Maestro dell'Ottocento a Brera

Vincenzo Vicario   Grafica GM  

Vincent van Gogh 2 voll. (ed. Inglese)

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Vincent van Gogh 2 voll. (ed. Inglese)

AA.VV.   Mondadori Arte/De Luca  

Dalla scena al dipinto La Magia del Teatro nella Pittura dell'Ottocento Da David a Delacroix da Fussli a Degas

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Filippo Comerio disegnatore

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Filippo Comerio disegnatore

Renzo Mangili   Centro Di  

La Nascita dell'Impressionismo

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La Nascita dell'Impressionismo

a cura di Marco Goldin   Linea d'Ombra Libri  

The Paintings of Paul Cezanne A Catalogue Raisonne 2 Voll.

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The Paintings of Paul Cezanne A Catalogue Raisonne 2 Voll.

John Rewald, Walter Feilchenfeldt, Jayne Warman   Harry N Abrams Publisher  

August Macke Die Skizzenbücher 2 Voll. in cofanetto

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August Macke Die Skizzenbücher 2 Voll. in cofanetto

By Ursula Heiderich   Hatjie Cantz  

The Pre-Raphaelite Landscape

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The Pre-Raphaelite Landscape

Allen Staley   Yale University Press  

Victorian Painting

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Victorian Painting

Christopher Wood   Weidenfeld & Nicholson  

Charles Gleyre Vol. I Life and Works Vol. II Catalogue Raisonnée

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Charles Gleyre Vol. I Life and Works Vol. II Catalogue Raisonnée

by William Hauptman   Princeton University Press  

George Sand Dessins et Aquarelles Les Montagnes Bleues

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George Sand Dessins et Aquarelles Les Montagnes Bleues

Christian Bernadac   Edition Belfond  

Carmignani Padre e figlio

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Carmignani Padre e figlio

Roberto Tassi   Silvana Editoriale  

Ulvi Liegi

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Ulvi Liegi

Raffaele Monti   Edizioni Il Mirteto  

Corot e l'Arte Moderna Souvenirs et Impressions

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Corot e l'Arte Moderna Souvenirs et Impressions

a cura di Vincent Pomarède   Marsilio  

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