Netsuke The Trumpf Collection Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Netsuke MasterpiecesThe Trumpf Collection

Netsuke  MasterpiecesThe Trumpf Collection
click to enlarge
ARNOLDSCHE Art Publishers Stoccarda
2000 288+416
24X31 (cm) 850 ill. colori e b/n n.t.
cart. edit. con sovracc. ill. e cofanetto ill. colori
  5000 (gr)
N/D 9783925369896

not available

Testo in Inglese e Tedesco. 
Volume 1 + 2 in a beautiful slip case. 
The Japanese belt accessories for men known as netsuke aroused great interest in Europe already at the end of the 19th century. Today they have become special, highly-prized collector’s items all over the world. 
The main subjects are mythical creatures, gods of popular religion, and exotic animals and also depictions of Europeans, particularly Dutchmen, who fascinated the Japanese in the 18th and 19th century. The craftsmanship is of incomparable perfection, and the materials include boxwood, ivory, horn, coral, tortoise-shell and much else. Famous artists like Yoshimura Shûzan (1700–1773) and Ohara Mitsuhiro (1810–1878) created masterpieces which strongly influenced this art form.
The two volumes present more than 850 objects from the collection of Anne and Christian Trumpf, one of the most important netsuke collections worldwide, with in-depth commentary and lavish illustrations. The author, Dr. Patrizia Jirka-Schmitz, is a well-known scholar in this field. A new standard work on netsuke – an area of collecting that over the last few years has grown immensely on an international scale.

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