Libreria della Spada - Reader's Digest Treasures in your Home Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Reader's Digest Treasures in your Home An illustrated guide to antiques and their prices

Reader's Digest Treasures in your Home An illustrated guide to antiques and their prices
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Reader's Digest London
1993 544
22x29 (cm) ill. a colori e disegni b/n n.t.
cart. edit. ill. con sovracc. ill.
  2400 (gr)
0276420381 9780276420382

not available

Testo in inglese.

Ricca guida illustrata per collezionare, vendere o  acquistare antichità.

A beautiful illustrated guide to collecting, buying and selling antiques.

- Covers a wide range of antiques and collectables, from furniture to toys;
- What to look for, how to identify it and what it is likely to be Worth;
- Expert advice, money-saving hints and tips and guidelines on care and restoration;
- Up-to-date valutations reflecting current auction prices.

Buono stato generale, segni d'uso alla sovraccoperta. (T-CA)


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