Art and history of Florence Museum Galleries Churches Palaces Monuments Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Art and history of Florence Museum Galleries Churches Palaces Monuments

Art and history of Florence Museum Galleries Churches Palaces Monuments
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Bonechi Editore Firenze
1988 192
21x29 (cm) 335 ill. colori n.t. - colors ills
Pelle ed. sovracc. ill. colori - hardcover usato come nuovo - used like new
Inglese - English text   1500 (gr)
N/D - N/A N/D - N/A
30.00 € 60%
12.00 €

Aggiungi al carrello

(Art and history).

The present volume was published in 1988 and includes photographs especially taken for this edition. Its intention is that of providing both the tourist and the scholar with a complete photographic reference to important works of art which have undergone recent restoration, such as Donatello's idith, returned to Palazzo Vecchio on May 13, 1988 in all her original splendor. Other works in the final stages of cleaning are presented in exclusive preview, such as the Masaccio frescoes in the church of S. Maria del Carmine, to be completed in September of this year. Where monuments are still undergoing restoration we have had to make use of existing photographs. Nonetheless, these images are useful testimonies to the effects of environmental conditions and air pollution on such masterpieces as the Baptistry doors.

Note alle condizioni del volume

Volume nuovo, Lievi segni del tempo. (T-CA)



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