Libreria della Spada - Collector's Encyclopedia of Compacts - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Collector's Encyclopedia of Compacts Carryalls and Face Powder Boxes Vol. I

Collector's Encyclopedia of Compacts Carryalls and Face Powder Boxes Vol. I
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Collector Books Kentucky
1996 320
23x29 (cm) ill. a colori e b/n n.t. - colour and b/w ills
cart. edit. ill. colori - harcover Nuovo - New
Inglese - English Text   1500 (gr)
0891455620 9780891455622

momentaneamente non disponibile

Over 900 items are featured in beautiful color. Original advertisements add a special touch to this historical overview. Every item is described in detail with size, date of manufacture, marks, and 1996 values.

AUTHORBIO: A historian first and a collector second, Laura Mueller assembled a collection that would represent the rise and fall of compacts for her volume, Collector's Encyclopedia of Compacts, Carryalls, & Face Powder Boxes, Books I . Her knowledge of compacts is unparalleled.

REVIEW: This book showcases a wide variety of compacts, some of the best examples of each quirk and turn of design that occurred in their production. Countless hours of research went into this book, and compacts are shown in large, detailed color photographs with information, sizes, and current collector values. (T-CA)


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