Digital Survey and Documentation of the Archaeological and Architectural sites UNESCO World Heritage List Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari

Digital Survey and Documentation of the Archaeological and Architectural sites UNESCO World Heritage List

Digital Survey and Documentation of the Archaeological and Architectural sites UNESCO World Heritage List
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Edifir Firenze
2015 240
24x29 (cm) ill. a colori e b/n n.t. - colors and b/w ills
bross. ill. a colori con alette - paperback Nuovo - New
Inglese - English text   1400 (gr)
8879707124 9788879707121
35.00 € 50%
17.50 €

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(Architettura Disegno rilievo e progettazione).

The volume collects the experiences conducted by the Joint Interdepartmental Landscape Survey & Design Laboratory of the University of Florence and Pavia regarding the digital survey and documentation of UNESCO sites, describing national and international research projects that over the last twenty years have been directed and coordinated by the authors.

In addition to two essays on heritage management and methodologies functional to architectural survey, there are numerous files that from Pasargade (Iran) to Ouropreto (Brazil) describe the techniques of data acquisition and restitution for the development of knowledge and management of historical and monumental architecture.



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