Isola Bella La Galleria dei Quadri La nuova ala del palazzo aperta al pubblico Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Isola Bella La Galleria dei Quadri La nuova ala del palazzo aperta al pubblico

Isola Bella La Galleria dei Quadri La nuova ala del palazzo aperta al pubblico
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Silvana Editoriale Milano
2008 64
16x24 (cm) 30 ill. a colori n.t. - colours ills
bross.ill colori con alette - paperback illustrated Nuovo - New
Italiano/Inglese - Italian/English TExt   500 (gr)
8836611834 9788836611836

momentaneamente non disponibile

(Guida storico-artistica).

La collezione Borromeo dell’Isola Bella è un caso quasi unico in Lombardia di antica raccolta privata giunta fino a noi pressoché integra e corredata di una ricchissima documentazione archivistica. Nel contesto dell’intero patrimonio artistico dell’Isola Bella e dell’Isola Madre, che annovera oltre duemila dipinti, la Galleria dei Quadri, detta del “Generale Berthier”, ha rappresentato, almeno dalla fine del Seicento ai primi decenni del Novecento, uno dei luoghi privilegiati per l’esposizione delle opere più importanti della collezione. Dopo essere stata chiusa per più di mezzo secolo, questa parte del palazzo, che include due stanze d’accesso riccamente decorate e la Sala del Trono, viene ora riaperta al pubblico restituendo l’ultimo ordinamento espositivo documentato che risale agli anni intorno al 1920-1930; esso comprende opere di epoche e qualità diverse e questa varietà di presenze traduce in modo eloquente un’idea di “Galleria” maturata all’interno della famiglia Borromeo nel corso dei secoli.

Thanks to the loftiness of the Borromeo family, a number of rooms of the grand palace in Isola Bella have been reopened after the completion of a focused conservation campaign. Hence, the visitors have now access to almost all the rooms at the noble floor. This wing of the Borromeo palace houses the more spectacular rooms of the so-called ‘new apartment facing the Isola Superiore’, which was designed by the architect Andrea Biffi, starting from 1677, with a view to complete the articulated northwards part of the family residence. Leaving the last flight of steps leading to the noble floor behind, the visitors can immerse themselves into the small rooms that house a huge number of remarkable paintings and reach the Picture Gallery. More than any other room, this environment mirrors the change in taste underpinning the aesthetical choices made by the members of the Borromeo family as the authentic or presumed masterpieces belonging to their collection have always been preserved and displayed therein. Hence, the Picture Gallery is the real ‘treasure’ in the grand palace in Isola Bella, which has been regarded as the status symbol of the House of Borromeo since it was built.  Masterpieces, remarkable artworks and, as recurring in the aristocratic collections of the past, copies after some outstanding originals painted by the Great Masters, including Raphael, Correggio and Guido Reni, are today displayed at the Picture Gallery. Destined to become an essential place to visit for all the art lovers willing to study a history of northern Italian painting from the late fifteenth century to the end of the sixteenth century, the Picture Gallery ideally leads to the so-called ‘Throne Room’, one of the more amazing environments of the Borromeo palace, which may be regarded as a museum of the Lombard Baroque art.

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