Museum of History and Art Zagorsk Libreria della Spada Libri esauriti antichi e moderni Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Museum of History and Art Zagorsk

Museum of History and Art Zagorsk
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Aurora art publisher Leningrad
1986 200
18x18 (cm) ill. a colori e b/n n.t. - colors and b/w ills
cart. edit. ill. colori - Hardcover usato come nuovo - used like new
Inglese - English text   1200 (gr)
N/D - N/A N/D - N/A

momentaneamente non disponibile

Foreword by Nikolai Voronin.
Introduction and selection by Galina Makarovskaya, Tatyana Manushina, Liubov Shitova, Liudmila Kalmykova.
Translated from the Russian by Ashkhen Mikoyan.
Designed by Irina Lytkina.
Photographs by Victor Savik.
Headpiece (opposite): Ivan Zubov.

The Trinity-St. Sergius Monastery in the town of Zagorsk near Moscow is known to every lover of old Russian art.
Beginning from the fifteenth century, beautiful buildings were erected there, splendid icons were painted by skilled artists, such as the celebrated Andrei Ruble, and excellent objects of decorative arts were amassed in the monastery's treasury.
Now these unique riches are preserved by the Zagorsk Museum of History and Art.

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Nessuna. (T-CA)


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