Sex in design Libreria della Spada - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

Sex in design

Sex in design
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Tectum Publishers Belgio
2007 192
24X27 (cm) ill. a colori n.t.
cart. edit. sovracc. ill.
  1300 (gr)
9076886407 9789076886404

momentaneamente non disponibile

Testo in inglese/francese/olandese.

Sex and design have a lot in common. They are imagined, questioned, and in the best of cases, regularly reinvented. Sex in design presents an exceptionally loaded and diverse collection of works.

The fun connotations associated with sex lighten up the often elitist notion of design, while the design aspect fosters an imaginative and reflexive approach towards sex. This way both areas develop a relationship that goes beyond the vulgar without becoming obscure.


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