Libreria della Spada - The Golden Age of Ivory Gothic Carvings in North American Collections - Libri esauriti antichi e moderni. Libri rari e di pregio da tutto il mondo

The Golden Age of Ivory Gothic Carvings in North American Collections

The Golden Age of Ivory Gothic Carvings in North American Collections
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Hudson Hills Press New York
1993 160
24X31 (cm) num. ill. e tavv. a colori e b/n. n.t.
tela edit. con sovracc. ill. colori molto buona
inglese   1500 (gr)
1555950760 9781555950767

momentaneamente non disponibile

Testo in Inglese.

1st Edition 1993

The exquisitely crafted, richly detailed Gothic ivories made from the 13th to the 15th century in Europe mirrored traditions and trends in Gothic sculpture until, with the advent of the book, carvers took their primary inspiration from the print medium. This erudite catalog of Gothic ivories in U.S. and Canadian museums and private collections emphasizes the finest French work, since Paris was the dominant center of Gothic art. But Randall, retired director of the Walters Art Gallery in Baltimore, also delves into the diverse national styles of Italy, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Flanders and England. While religious statues and church plaques predominate, there are also appealing secular pieces, including saddles, mirror cases, combs, chessmen and intricately embellished boxes. For connoisseurs and collectors. (T-CA)


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